Alan and Jonna's Graeagle, CA trip

2016 marked our eighth annual trip to visit with Jonna's brother and his kids during the holidays and this was the seventh time we traveled to Graeagle, CA to spend the New Year's holiday at a cabin in the Sierra Nevadas. During our four days with Jamie, Brianna and Rosie we cooked, talked, played games, visited Brianna's horse Bambi and did our usual sledding at nearby Plumas-Eureka State Park in Johnsville.

Here are some of our favorite photos from the trip (each photo is a thumbnail linked to a higher quality picture.):

1) For the first time in Brianna and Rosie's lifetimes Jonna had long enough hair that it could be braided. They were all twinsies for a day.

2) There was enough snow in the Sierra Nevadas that we could sled but with only a dusting of fresh powder the slopes at Johnsville were mainly covered with hard, icey snow. This made for some *fast* sledding.

3) Brianna, who has been living in Graeagle while attending college at nearby Feather River College, had her horse Bambi stabled at the Graeagle Stables (where she works during the summer). This meant we got to visit Bambi every day.

4) We had so much fun sledding that we returned to Johnsville again the next day for more. With even the dusting of snow blown off the sledding was even faster. We had the place virtually to ourselves and enjoyed three more hours of zooming down the slopes.

5) GPS data showed top speeds of 26 mph going down the main run, as demonstrated in this photo of Jonna.

6) We all had a great time!

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Alan Fleming